Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Life

My life is going very simple these days. I wake up early at 6:00 A.M & go for jogging, this is the beautiful time in the whole day when you breathe fresh air, mind becomes clear of all thoughts.
Then I go temple to offer my prayings to the almighty who is owner of every thing in the nature, with whom blessings we enjoy our life moment to moment. Then I go to the college, spend time with friends.
In college I realised the true nature of my friends, always lovable, sharing their joys with each other. college gets over at 4:30 P.M.
Now starts Hostel life, no rules, everyone is just wandering all around. I read news, read my syllabus books, try to improve my english & share my experiences with saurabh, parvin bansal.
They both are my very lovable friends, I go for a walk in the evening before my dinner.
In night I go to bed at 10:00 P.M so to wake up early next day.

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